Algebra Puzzle Game is new and free

Download our Algebra Puzzle Game for free and try it out.
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countdown numbers app

Algebra Puzzle Game

The aim of the game is to find a given number.
Firstly you will see a randomly generated number.
Next you are then given six numbers and using add, subtract, multiply, divide and brackets you have to get to the randomly generated number.
An example is shown here.
Target number is 961
Given numbers are 100, 75, 9, 8, 7, 6 and you can use ( * / + -) brackets, multiply, divide add and subtract. You do not have to use all the numbers.
One answer is (100*9) + 75 – 8 – 6 =961

Algebra Puzzle Game Challenge

Challengingly there are five levels for you to play so you can chart your progress as you improve and move through the levels.
As you would expect Level one is a simple way to start but you must achieve a certain percentage to advance to the next level. However If you are feeling confident you can start at a more advance level. Basically this app improves your mental arithmetic and problem solving skills.
There are daily challenges and a leader board so you can match your skills against others all around the world.
Stimulating your brain with this mental challenge keeps you ahead of the game. Knowing your tables and remembering things you were taught at school will help. You need to know the order of mathematical operations (BODMAS or PEMDAS) but we have a crash course to help you remember this.
Try it and give yourself a challenge and be proud of what you can achieve.
Try our word puzzle/vocabulary builder as well.