Educational App Store CertifiedBest Spelling & Times Tables App

Learn weekly spelling words

Eductional App Store Review

Sample Spelling Lists

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Arguably the best spelling app for Australia on the app stores. School Spelling Homework App. I first decided to write this app to try to fix the constant struggle I had been having with my then 9 year old son. It was so difficult to get him to complete his weekly spelling words.

His homework and probably that of 90% of the primary school kids in Australia mainly consists of 10-15 spelling words of which he has to  Look, Say, Cover and Write.

He also has to learn a particular times table by writing it out. As I am not especially organised I did not have the time to do this with him. Unfortunately I was not able to even ensure he was doing his homework. Sadly we were often trying to do it on the way to school Friday morning.

I work full time and have 5 children. It is not just the lack of time. I also found his delaying tactics excruciating. He searched for his homework book, pencil, pencil sharpener, got a drink, went to the toilet.  Often he  just seemed to go missing for ages.

By then I generally give up .

Improve Child’s Spelling with School Spelling Homework App

So I wrote the app and then he could do his spelling homework and times tables on a phone or Ipad. Happily he can complete homework on the way to football training or shopping. I have recently updated this app to include printing completed spelling homework results.  Also there is an option to email to the teacher. I have recently added over 1000 grade appropriate spelling words. This will help your child get up to speed for spelling at their year level. Homework help is available on iPad, iPod and iPhone.

Enter Weekly Spelling Words.

Each week as the spelling homework spelling list comes home with your child from school, enter the new list into the app.

New Feature added

In the latest release of Spelling Bee & Times Tables you can now enter weekly homework word lists by taking a photo of words to learn and converting to spelling test within seconds. This feature saves time dramatically in entering words each week. Add sentences for the words which require a context. This makes completing homework tasks for you and your child much easier and faster.

Best Spelling App Australia

Alternatively you can still enter words manually – Record the word and sentence to give the word context. Have your child complete the spelling list  until 100% is achieved. A random test can also be selected from all the spelling lists entered so far.



School Spelling Homework Help with Timed Addition, Subtraction and

Multiplication Tests

The Spelling Bee and Times Tables app also provides timed test for multiplication, addition and subtraction. Recorded best times is a great incentive for your child. Try to get your child to beat their best times as fast mental arithmetic is crucial to furthering the child’s maths ability. New feature includes math games to help children learn their times tables in a fun way, number searches, fill in the blanks, pop the balloons, multiple choice and crosswords.

Check out this link for other ways to help your child be better at mathsHow to help your child do better at Maths

Best Spelling App Australia

More than 1000 grade appropriate

spelling words provided with this School Spelling Homework App

For the times when your child has completed the weekly spelling homework and maths homework, over 1000 grade appropriate spelling words have been provided. Spelling Words  app makes it easy to keep track of your child’s progress. New feature added – Daily spelling challenges. Compete with children from around the world.

Best Spelling App

Easier and less stressful for both busy parent and child.

Recently I have added addition and subtraction timed tables to the timed multiplication tests.

Why learning the times tables is really important

If you think about it, you use multiplication in your day to day life. When you go shopping, you often need to compare out the cost of similar items or how much it will cost to get multiple items. If you are cooking and need to make a double recipe you are going to need to know how to multiply and if you are at a shop and want to determine what type of discount you are getting you need to learn multiplication. Multiplication and maths is used whether you realise it or not almost on a daily basis.

You can now try this Spelling Bee and Times Tables app out for free in your browser by clicking the icon below. This will give you a taste of the full app available on apple App Store and google play store. Spelling Bee and Time Tables will also soon be available on windows and Mac.


We memorise daily, but do you realise that your brain is like a computer. Whatever you put into it, will most probably remain there for a long period of time. You can choose to fill it with unimportant things, or you can fill it with skills that can be a benefit to you your entire life. Like multiplication. You will use this skill for as long as you live. Using and teaching your brain to memorize is probably the most important skill of all.

How you can help your child learn weekly spelling words

We as parents can only fit so many things into our busy lives each day but just a few minutes each day in the car on the way to football training or shopping could really help with your child’s education. The app also includes spelling lists to be inputted each week from their weekly spelling list. Also has an option to email direct to teacher.


Spelling Bee Games & Tests is now also in






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Review of Spelling App

create spelling tests from homework sheet