Spell, create, communicate

Thankfully, we now have computers with word processing programs which have spell checkers. These can auto correct spelling errors as you write. As a result some have asked whether it is importance to teach correct spelling.  For many years, some in education have suggested that focusing on spelling holds back the creative process of writing. If children worry about correct spelling and grammar rules, they do not write as imaginatively. Possibly they do not use words they think of because they are unsure of how to spell them. These teachers argue that students will naturally develop skills through reading.

Speaking, Reading, Writing and Spelling are the basics of communication

Obviously no one doubts that communication between people is very importance. As a matter of course, we need to communicate with others all the time. Additionally learning comes about through absorbing new ideas and facts about the world we live in. In summary, “We hear, we speak, we read and we write.”  Spelling is part of that communication process. It is “the art of correctly assembling words from their letters.” Being confident in spelling leads to confidence in all aspects of literacy. Recognising links between words of the same origin and understanding how words relate to each other helps comprehension skills when reading.  Teaching spelling benefits students. They can read and understand more complex texts. They have more tools to express themselves in their writing.

improve spelling

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